"Welcome to my Traveller site; these maps and other graphics are only for playing Traveller/space type games. They are copyright and not to be used for other purposes."

"My maps are free. If you purchased them, you got scammed."
"Not for redistribution or resale. Hyperlinking from Pinterest or other such share sites is prohibited."


This site is about my Alternate Traveller Universe. It takes place on the other side of the galaxy from our solar system, marked by the yellow dot and the word ‘Sol’.

That means Sol Solar system. A designation I first heard decades ago in an old science fiction book.

Categories My Traveller Universe, About


1) ATU means Alternate Traveller Universe.

2) planet maps are made in Fractal Terrains 3 and exported using the Cosmographer template.

3) Solar system maps are made with Cosmographer and the High Space annual issue 80. Note that the purchase for an annual is of the entire year.

4) planet surveys are typed in Open Office Write, and exported as pdf. The pdf is then printed to png using BullZip pdf printer.

5) How are the names pronounced ? I don’t know, I just added syllables together to make the names.

6) The name part Naw ? Oh, that is easy, a language shift for New.

7) Why don’t some Sub-Sectors have capitals ? I didn’t place any there. Some of those sub-sectors don’t have star ports.

8) planet named Watter ? Maybe its a different version of Water ?

9) government type: G = Feudal European Bureaucracy.

10) government type E = Government: Hegemony dominates several smaller nations. They control the water.

Categories My Traveller Universe, FAQ


I have very loosely based this on the GURPS Space Planetary Record and Worksheet page 14 of the Space Planetary Record and Worksheet.pdf.

I’ll be using this for a number of the planet map pages on this site.

Updated on June 26, 2016 due to some spacing problems. If you notice some problems when you print it out, please let me know at the Dragonsfoot other games forums by sending me a PM. Thanks.

Categories My Traveller Universe, General


Links checked on December 30, 2021.

ProjectRho space maps

links: Real science

The Universe drawings from 12.5 light years out from the Earth to 14 billion light years

Milky Way cartography shows the local bubble, 25 light years and 50 light years. etc.

links: Traveller deck plans

High Tortuga Pirate Traveller

Freelance Traveller the ‘The Shipyard’ link leads to deck plans

TwinHelix Freestyle menus These are the site navigation menus I have at the top of the site.

RPG character sheets, some for Traveller

Categories My Traveller Universe, General

While these items are made by me, feel free to download and use in your campaign.
Just mention the web site you got them from. Thanks.

Privacy policy: I track IP addresses and pages looked at out of a vague curiosity to learn what pages are looked at on my site. After a set period,
this information is deleted. Nothing is permanently kept.

I came up with Starship Wanderer in 1970.

[Copyright © by Jim, 1970-2050. All Rights Reserved.]

[Except where noted, and where copyrights are held by others.]

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises.
Copyright 1977 - 1998 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises.
Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified,
and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use
only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises\\\'\\\'s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed
as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot
be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.